What is a choir director’s favorite type of deli meat? – So La Mi
Parallel lines have so much in common! – It’s a shame they’ll never meet
What has three feet but no legs? – A yard stick
Why is it always so hot in the corner of the room? – Because a corner is 90 degrees
Why couldn’t the man make a reservation at the library? – They were completely booked
What part of the street do vampires live on? – The dead end
What kind of music to mummies like? – Wrap music
What did the tectonic plate say after the earthquake? – It wasn’t my fault
How does Harry Potter get into Hogwart’s? – He knocks on the Dumbledoor
How do you throw a space party? – You planet
What did the glass say to the mug? – You look mugnificent
What did the grape say when it got crushed? – Nothing, it just let out a little wine
What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? – Frostbite
What do you do with a sick chemist? – If you can’t helium, and you can’t curium, they you might as well barium